Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Inspiring Session of NEW!

Wow - what an inspirational session tonight! These beautiful women continue to rock my world....
(We were down one-- Stacey is out this next week due to an inner ear infection, we'll be keeping an eye out for her spinning back into motion.)

Deb shared how she has "the boys" (her horses) getting comfortable with the hoop. She is playing with several dynamics and has found the Edge hoop working best. Have to wonder if the silver bling tape vs. the black bling tape is making the shift on reaction? Deb seems to think it's the size of the hoop that the horses react to. Overall it is completely amazing how she is moving her body more working with her horses. This woman is confident in her body movement. She clearly has dance and sheer history in her molecular make-up, albeit the horse riding has taught her to hold her feet in one spot. They are keeping her on the move- YES!

Kat is in fast forward now that her journal reflections are flowing like a flood! She is one of those people who constantly work on themselves to create goodness. This program really just got her jump started again... the hoop is secondary. She always has a way to focus on clear manifesting. She creates the most beautiful and real affirmations that resinate with a deep vibration. Her laugh is infectious!

Each week we hold a new focus/theme/homework for the mind-body-spirit in the hoop. This week I challenged the ladies to hoop on there bodies the entire time we were in session, with no hand hooping. This clearly evolved in to adding a second hoop for upper body hand hooping. Impressive! They worked it and laughed and laughed and laughed...! it give me the giggles just thinking about it. Posting photos and video of this soon!

It's nice to feel the NEWness of the world. Watching the enlightenment as the dots connect is the most rewarding feeling! Grateful to be able to offer this life changing experience.

Hoop New Year NEW YOU!

What a beautiful jump start to the program that took a few months to get rolling.... YEAH!
Hoop Habit™ has much to offer this year, especially with the Big Girls are Hoop Beautiful™ Project -- YEAH!
In October, 56 women submitted applications to participate in this free 6 month habit changing program and only 10 spots available. Initially 6 amazing women.... went down to 2 - back up to 5 and finally we can officially say 3 Big Beautiful Women have successfully stuck it out over the Holidays. I am grateful to these women for committing to themselves first, then the program.
These women clearly created an amazing start for themselves this new year!

Getting started on this venture to get "the QT with the bootie on the move" all started with the inspiration of Stephanie Sullivan in the Fall of 08. She shared with me her personal stories on how she has been over weight her life. Due to a medical condition that existed in childhood, she was placed on steroids until she passed puberty... Stephanie's petite body size creates havoc with the extra weight, albeit this is all she has ever known. The day she showed up in class for the first time, her goal was to get the hoop around 3-5 revolutions. This gurl can move... Just so happens that Miss Stephanie moved her body MORE freely than anyone else in the history of all Hoop Habit classes! Over the past year she continued her practice solo and now can hoop for a good 30+ minutes! YES YES YES
Needless to say, with Stephanie's busy schedule she is unable to commit specifically to this program. She is a body worker and the founder of TheraCream. She has a rich history with the health industry while working with her family's alternative supplement company. Keep an eye out for her as she continues to share hooping as a Hoop Habit Mentor!

Now ... it's time to introduce the Big Girls are Hoop Beautiful ™ Crew:

GOALS: Purchase 'Show Horse' clothing off-the-rack and look good in them. Also to mount the horse from the ground.
BIO: Deb is a professional photographer for our local crime unit. (Prize winning photographer!) She also trains and shows horses while building costume computers. She loves to play interactive gaming with people around the world. Living on her family's 40 acre ranch, she has been married for 25 years to a Fire-fighter and a 21 yr old daughter. Her health history includes some broken body parts from the horses and her legs engage in cramping, thus making it difficult for her to walk. Overall she wants her body to be stronger and to feel good in her silhouette.
NAME: Kathryn G. AGE: 49 LOCATION: Ventura, CA
GOALS: Personal freedom from the body shield of extra cushion. Turning 50 this year, a NEW grandma thats wants to roll down hills & rise bikes with her family.
BIO: Kathryn created her current profession around saving her own life, she owns an eco- friendly 'Green Cleaning Service'. She is currently divorced with 3 children & 1 grand-baby and a dog Henry. She loves journaling and find the rewards of inner reflection. Overall desires just "to be" with no self judgment.

NAME: Stacey S. AGE: 43 LOCATION: Ventura, CA
GOALS: Physically-to get her body back in a size 9/10 OR even better to get the silhouette shape. Mentally/Emotionally- to grow into a new way of healthy thinking, feel beautiful, sexy and independent.
BIO: Stacey is a super star, previously featured in Richard Simmons Workout Videos. She is recently divorced and transitioning to Ventura all while re-purposing her education. Her health history includes depression and overall she desires mind-body-spirit change and wants to commit to something new and fun!

Stay turned to the latest and greatest Hoop Beautiful updates as the Goddess Transformation continues...

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Big Girls are Hoop Beautiful™ kicked off today!
We met at Marina Park in Pierpont around 10a - went to 1:30. Awesome to hear the heart warming desires of change in the air. Each woman unique in her own way- looking for something to shift or remove from their body. All coming on their own way to get here - everyone in their own journey.
Felt good to share the hoop love with Stacey and Debby... excited to see them grow out of who they are now. Documented each of their lives with Reader's Digest notes. Everyone has a chance to step away of what they know, each bored with everyday fitness. Everyone holds energy in their own way, movement breaks free of this thick wall we built. The passion these beautiful women have to LIVE their life with desire, fulfilling each dream all while manifesting abundance.
Today we talked about each other- getting to know each other and our darkest moments. Why we are all here- what the program has to offer - what we want from the program - what we are will to commit to ourselves.... we shared our vises with food and habits that have to be switched. We shared tears and laughter.... we shared rhythm.
Tomorrow we meet again at 9:30a.