Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Inspiring Session of NEW!

Wow - what an inspirational session tonight! These beautiful women continue to rock my world....
(We were down one-- Stacey is out this next week due to an inner ear infection, we'll be keeping an eye out for her spinning back into motion.)

Deb shared how she has "the boys" (her horses) getting comfortable with the hoop. She is playing with several dynamics and has found the Edge hoop working best. Have to wonder if the silver bling tape vs. the black bling tape is making the shift on reaction? Deb seems to think it's the size of the hoop that the horses react to. Overall it is completely amazing how she is moving her body more working with her horses. This woman is confident in her body movement. She clearly has dance and sheer history in her molecular make-up, albeit the horse riding has taught her to hold her feet in one spot. They are keeping her on the move- YES!

Kat is in fast forward now that her journal reflections are flowing like a flood! She is one of those people who constantly work on themselves to create goodness. This program really just got her jump started again... the hoop is secondary. She always has a way to focus on clear manifesting. She creates the most beautiful and real affirmations that resinate with a deep vibration. Her laugh is infectious!

Each week we hold a new focus/theme/homework for the mind-body-spirit in the hoop. This week I challenged the ladies to hoop on there bodies the entire time we were in session, with no hand hooping. This clearly evolved in to adding a second hoop for upper body hand hooping. Impressive! They worked it and laughed and laughed and laughed...! it give me the giggles just thinking about it. Posting photos and video of this soon!

It's nice to feel the NEWness of the world. Watching the enlightenment as the dots connect is the most rewarding feeling! Grateful to be able to offer this life changing experience.

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